Frequent questions

  • What is “POSF”?

    POSF is the online platform for changing the supplier of electricity and natural gas at the national level, whose operator is ANRE.

    Through the POSF, the end customer can choose the right supply offer, send the supplier all the necessary documentation to conclude the contract. The supplier can be changed within 24 hours at the latest from the conclusion of the new contract.

  • How can I request an offer?

    Go on the Contact Us page and you’ll find all the information on Household and Business Client offers.

  • What are the “Green certificates”?

    Green certificates are the title that confirms that a certain quantity of electric energy comes from renewable sources . The Romanian government encourages investors to adopt green energy and grants these certificates so that the investors can sell their product legally. In order to meet the green certificate norm, the suppliers source green certified energy.

  • What is “guarantee of origin”?

    The guarantee of origin is the e-document proving that the electric energy supplied to a client comes from renewable source.

  • What is an “energy disclosure” ?

    Energy disclosure is the sum of all activities undergone by the electric energy suppliers in order to inform the customer about each primary source of the energy they purchase. The tag also explains how renewable energy impacts the environment.

  • What is the “contribution for cogenerating efficiency”?

    That is the monthly contribution each consumer owes to the promotion and development of the energy production. The main reason of this contribution is to raise the energetic efficiency and improve the usage of electric energy from renewable sources on the Romanian market.

  • How can you change your consumption place?

    If you’ve changed your consumption place, please send us an email with a request and all the documentation needed on the email address from the Contact section

  • How can I submit a complaint?

    Sorry, something didn’t go so well. We’re always happy to improve so find out how to submit complaints and requests and how long it will take us to get back to you from the Useful information page from the “Documente utile de descărcat” section.

  • Where can I find the legislation of electric energy supply?

    All the necessary information is available on Legislation  page.

By generating energy through the endless resource of wind right here in Romania, we contribute to a more sustainable world, close to home.